God Is Not Interested In Semi-Christians

These are God’s words.

I want total Christians; not semi, lukewarm, uncommitted, stay at home Christians. I want, and I need, totally committed, zealous, 24 hour a day Christians who will eagerly anticipate My desire and do it. This requires focus and abandonment of every other wish and desire. You cannot serve God and anything else – for anything else will be your master. This is a choice, and you have to make it. If you make the choice, then you must exercise it. One step at a time, one day at a time, choice after choice, until you become what you have chosen. Then you don’t have to choose anymore – it is what you are. My servants have been saying this for centuries, and neither it, not I, have changed. You just have to do it. Do it because I have given it to you to do. It is your due and no more. You will be richly rewarded, but because I love you, not because you deserve it for what you have done – no mater how well you do it.

I seek, and am creating, mature children who understand, anticipate, and do what they see their Father do. To see what I do requires great effort and sacrifice. It has never been easy, and it will become no easier as this age progresses to its ultimate doom. I need living stones to build My new temple, and you are those stones if you will but do it. You have seen My love and My works in My Son, and you should know that it is not for nothing that you do these things. You do them for Me, for creation, for the saving of humanity, and lastly for yourselves. You cannot do this unless you know why you do it.

Greater love has no one than he lay down his life for his friends, his enemies, his world, and his God. Go forth and love, but do it with understanding, and purpose, and total commitment. You will be rejected, and hated, and persecuted, and killed by the many; and loved and appreciated by the few, and especially by Me. The sacrifice and the cost is great, but the reward is also. When one sinner repents, heaven rejoices and angels sing and so will you – for it is your work as well as Mine.

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