Let Your Love Light Shine

These are God’s words.

Serve God not from duty, not from guilt, not from fear, not for reward, but for love and love alone. He first loved us. Can we not at least return it with interest? And, even at that, we are but adequate servants. Return it ten fold; a hundred fold. Return God’s love with everything that is in you – your time, your devotion, your thoughts, your dedication of all to Him. Sit on His lap and tell Him you  love Him. Do it every day. Never cease, always more, and your light will be so bright none can ignore it. And like a moth to a flame, the lost will come to you. Your love leads them to My love, and My love leads them to love. And so it continues, and grows, and overthrows the darkness.

This is the great plan and the great commandments – love God and love your neighbor.

There is no defense.  The light will prevail. The darkness will try, but it must give way to the rising of the Son. Your light is His light – let it shine!

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