Be On The Side Of Truth

These are God’s words.

God loves you and He wants you to return that love with all your being. Nothing less will do. The compromising and the uncommitted will fall because they will not be sheltered from the coming storm, which is even now upon us. Repent and run to the shelter of his wings, or you will see disaster and depredation such as has not been seen in the earth for many, many generations. And yet greater will come, far beyond what has ever happened before, and, but for the elect of God no one would survive.

There are few who truly love Me as I want, but they are enough to preserve your world and bring a much better one. There is great power available to do My work. All you have to do is seek it and Me. Listen to the few who know and can explain what this means, but be very careful in choosing who to listen to. They will have great authority in signs and wonders, but so will others who are liars, and say smooth words, and promise great things, and make a great show, but whose end is death – no matter how righteous they sound.

Pray for discernment and you shall have it. But just accepting what someone says, even if it sounds religious, is a sure way to loose all that you have, and most of what you don’t [have yet]. Try the spirits. That is a command not a suggestion. Your life depends on it. Don’t believe them, believe Me. My few and true Prophets speak for Me. Find them and then listen to Me. They speak for Me not for themselves.

Chose who you listen to very carefully, for many false prophets will arise and deceive many. My prophets do not seek to please men, they seek to please Me. They speak truth no matter the consequences. The false ultimately seek the approval of men, or some men, and cannot speak the truth even if they know it – lest the wrong people be offended and their followers join another.

Judge carefully, your life depends on it. Appearances can be deceiving, but truth is always truth, and the truth will stand, and the untruth will be forever destroyed. Be on the side of truth.

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